Brian Yoon
创始人/ 首席董事/ 战略
1999 - 2004
Right before the www. era, Brian Yoon started his career as a designer. It was a fantastic time to start because Brian was designing both digital and print media. Brian put out 20+ websites, 14 CD-ROM magazines, 7 books, and 4 brand design to the Korean market.
2005 - 2010
Daniel Sim started his professional career in 2005 in South Korea. He worked on various print media for a while and decided to move his creative expertise to the emerging device UX area. Brian and Daniel met and started working together at Saltcake in Korea and shared many ideas and visions from this point.
2011 - 2014
Brian met Gandi at Huawei. They realized that they have a very similar vision about design and fostered an immediate and intimate working relationship. Together, they significantly impacted Huawei design and product group for the better.Brian brought Daniel to China to continue their teamwork and add his expertise to that of Gandi and Brian at ZTE. This is the start of the 21.Ground team.
2015 - 2018
They moved to OnePlus together and working as one, they had a fantastic opportunity to manage the whole design process of a company. OnePlus promoted Brian to head of the OnePlus design center (VP) and he and his team successfully reimagined and revamped OnePlus’ brand reputation and design style, and drove it to the next level.
2019 - Now
品牌体验设计组建立 21.GROUND
After completing this milestone in their careers they decided to establish 21.GROUND to share what they have learned from their journey. To share our experience, to provide the most suitable solution, and to help people using our talent, 21.GROUND is designing its story now.